
Beginner Guide to Markdown

Let me introduce you to markdown first,

markdown logo

Markdown is made by John Gruber, you can use markdown to write blogs, texts, books and practically 100% of your writing work in a single format and you can easily distribute it in Word, PDFs, EPUBs, HTML, and many other formats.

Some pro’s of markdown:

- Easy and simple formatting.

- Can be converted to tons of different formats easily.

 - Platform and app independent format. (you just need a simple text editor on any PC ever existed on this planet)

 - Pleasant syntax and easy to learn.

Learning basic Markdown syntax:

  • Paragraphs: Everything you write are just wrapped in paragraphs. You can separate paragraphs by leaving a line between them.
Hi this is simple paragraph  
and this is also the part of line.

Yeah, this is another paragraph.
  • Headings: you can create headings with number of hashes # . The more the number of hashes the lesser the power of heading.
# Main Heading 
## Sub Heading
### may be used as topic heading
#### sub-topic headings
##### another heading
###### smallest heading
  • Links: are really important in documents and markdown’s syntax for links is great too.
I read a lot and also write some cool blogs. You can read [My blog]( here.
  • Images: everyone loves to make their text visually appealing by adding high quality images.

it’s just adding ! a link to make it an image.

  1. Un-ordered List: they are made by
- first item  

some text about it.
- Second item  

some text also about it.
  1. Ordered List: Items are listed with some number or counting.
1. Hello this about me.
2. I'm a great blogger.
3. I write on medium.
  • Blockquote: want to show some quotes or highlight some text to get users attention, then blockquote is what you need.
> Make it simple not simpler.  -- Albert Einstein

Code: you can write code samples in your markdown by using pair of (upperticks) you can write multi-line code with 3 pair of upperticks.

# ping on google server (bash script)
ping -t
  • Bold text: if you want to bold the text use **Bold** or __bold__ whatever you prefer, I generally prefer to use stars for bold and underscores for italics.

  • Italic text: for italic text use single underscore italic or star italic around the text.


Some places where Markdown are used.

  • Slack

  • Github and Github wiki

  • Project management products like Trello

  • Blog-aware static site generators like Jekyll or Hugo

Some apps for doing markdown

By the way, you can use your Notepad for writing markdown for any other text editor (don’t use Word). If you want to make your workflow better there are some apps made for writing markdown.

Created by Saurabh Sharma

Emil Samigullin
Emil Samigullin
Computer Science Student

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.